Royal University of Phnom Penh
The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), known as the largest and oldest public University in Cambodia, is becoming a comprehensive and flagship university in the country. Currently, the RUPP provides degrees for both undergraduates and postgraduates in many areas such as science, social sciences and humanities, development studies, education, engineering, international studies and public policy, and foreign languages. The university hosts 30,931students (53% Females) from both undergraduate and graduate programs and approximately 1,100 teaching staff. Amongst those, Psychology is one of the key undergraduate and graduate programmes under the umbrella of the faculty of social science and the only one exists in Cambodia.
RUPP is enhancing teaching and learning, promoting research and innovation, developing well-rounded citizenship and effective leadership, promoting sustainable development, and preserving Cambodian cultural and natural heritage, and expanding social engagement.

Mr. Kean Tak
He received MA of Science in Computer Science and Engineering since 2006. He has more than 25 years experiences working as a full-time staff including more than 10 year experiences working a managemnt staff at the Royal University of Phnom Penh for University (RUPP). He is currently a Vice-Rector for Digital Technology, Industrial Cooperation, Student & Youths Affairs, and Media at RUPP.

Dr. Khann Sareth
Project Coordinator
Clinical psychologist, adolescent and adult psychotherapist, associate professor of psychology, with substantial experience in research on mental health promotion and mental health care, and proficiency in developing curricula

Mr. Phan ChanPeou
Technical staff
Department head of psychology, MA in clinical and counselling psychology and PhD candidate. He has over 20 years of expertise in both clinical and educational settings. He has also developed numerous training curricula at higher educational level.

Dr. Kao Sovandara
Clinical Psychologist, associate Professor at Psychology Deparment,RUPP. He actively involved in several mental health promote activities and several quantitative research projects and provided technical advice for national and international NGOs.

Mr. Yeum Channith
Mr. Yeun Channith is an assistant of psychology department, counsellor, MA in clinical and counselling psychology. He has experiences related to psychological counselling and administrative work. He has good at communicating, ethical, and very committing to profession.