The project Building Mental Health Capacity at Higher Education Institutes in Southest Asia (MentalHigh) within the framework of the Eramus+ program on capacity building in universities funded by the European Union, allows partner universities to equip students with necessary tools to manage stress, build resilience, maintain a healthy study-life balance, and address mental health challenges.
The launching ceremony and professional conference of the MentalHigh Project took place in 3 days from 19/9/2023 to 21/9/2023 at the University of Education – Vietnam University (VNU). Participants at the launching ceremony and conference included Prof. Dr. Gunter Groen, project leader – Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh, Rector of the University of Education; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hung Quang, Rector of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry; Dr. Pham Huu Truyen, Rector of Vinh University of Technology Education; Dr. Kean Tak, Vice Rector of Royal University of PhnomPenh, Cambodia; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Anh Tai, Chancellor of University’s Council, Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration with other project members.
Affirming the importance of the project and committing to support as a co-leader, Rector of the University of Education, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh stated that this project plays an important role in promoting mental health and building mental health capacity in Vietnamese and Cambodian universities, with the long-term goal of transforming Universities into health-promoting environments, creating opportunities for students and educational staff to develop their potential. This is also a great opportunity to learn from each other about best practices in mental health support services at a transnational level, towards the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals of ensuring equality in education and promoting lifelong learning for all.
The goal of the MentalHigh project
MentalHigh is a project launched to promote mental health understanding and reduce stigma against people with mental health issues at higher education institutions in Southeast Asia; Transform universities into health-promoting environments for students and employees, so that they can develop their potential and achieve their best success; Encourage cooperation between universities in Vietnam and Cambodia and higher education institutions in Europe to improve capacity and exchange good practices in project management and educational implementation of professional mental health on an ongoing basis, e-health support for students; Improve the quality of higher education in developing countries and enhance its relevance to labor markets and society by promoting contexts for enhanced mental health and wellbeing. Members of the project 1. Germany: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences – HOCHSCHULE FUER ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTENHAMBURG (HAW) 2. Finland: Turku University of Applied Sciences – TURKU UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES (TUAS) 3. Spain: University Jaume I De Castellon – UNIVERSITAT JAUME I DE CASTELLON (UJI) 4. Cambodia: Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) 5. Cambodia: National Institute of Education of Cambodia 6. University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UED) (Host of the conference) 7. University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (USSH) 8. Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF) 9. Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA) 10. Vinh University of Technology Education (VUTED) Project activities include: Survey of needs among management groups, lecturers, and students; Build online courses and mobile apps on mental health and deploy them to groups of students and staff; Communication activities that promote mental health. The University of Economics and Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University plays the main role in communication activities for the project, ensuring that the project’s results are spread to a large number of students and stakeholders. related, thereby providing maximum support to increase mental health awareness for these subjects. The official website of the project: |
During the 3 days of the conference, project partners introduced their universities and overview of the project and discussed the coordination process between partners. Accordingly, the members shape the technological approach used in the project and future implementation plans: discussions about the design of different research in the project; digital platforms used to encourage and promote mental health for students; effective methods of project coordination and management.
The conference ended successfully with good impressions from foreign colleagues about the professionalism as well as the food, beautiful scenery, and hospitality of Vietnamese people.
Some photos at the conference:
By Do Thi Thuy Linh – Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation